Saidpur Railway Station



The Saidpur railway station, the oldest one in the country, is gradually losing its attraction to the passengers as it cannot cater to the need of the commuters for comfortable journey. The railway station is in grip of various problems that stand in the way of rendering best service to the passengers.

The problems include lack of a spacious waiting room, well furnished shed, required number of toilets, worn out building, narrow platforms and inadequate lighting system.

The station set up on 3000 acres of land in 1800 with a large number of red buildings has not been renovated even after the liberation of the country. After the partition, an Indian goods train and a passenger train used to ply from Cooch Bihar to Kolkata every day via Saidpur. The plying of the two trains stopped following the war between Pakistan and India in 1965.


  • AddressSaidpur, Bangladesh
  • Phone0552-672014
  • Category Transport
  • Location Saidpur Upazila
  • Tag Railway, Station, Train

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Saidpur Railway Station
  • By Mahfuzar Rahman
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